
Thursday, January 21, 2021

"Get Ready to Go"

 These are words I say every single morning.  This is how I think they are interpreted by the children in this house...

Child #1:  I think I should wander around the house not getting ready.  Instead, I should be trying to create problems with whatever sibling is closest and if it can result in screaming on their part-even better!

Child #2:  I shall wander around aimlessly and maybe even just stand in places as an obstacle in the kitchen to others trying to get around.

Child #3:  I will magically be ready to go instantly.  I should be able to stay in bed until mom yells that she is pulling out of the driveway.

Child #4:  I will do all the things I need to get ready.  I hope an adult remembers to tell me that my shower is done, that I need to get my things, and reminds me of the things I am missing once we are in the car.

Child #5:  I can chill until someone helps me get ready.  Who needs independence at this point?  Everyone loves helping me!

To another morning tomorrow...

Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Oh Happy Day!

Today is a GOOD day!  

So glad to have the past 4 years of "leadership" as a thing of the "past" now.  I have so much hope and faith in this country and its history!  I know we will pull through the current challenges as we have before.  It may take a while and it may even take a long while, but I think we have taken a step in the right direction today with the installation of a new and (I hope better) president to lead us back to the path we have strayed so far from in recent years.

I am a fan of positivity, kindness, and most of all LOVE!

I think our most important role in life besides loving God is to help make things better for those and the world around us.  Anything I currently believe in stems directly from this make things better for others.

I have come a long way from the days of this post...I remember that naïve lady so set in her own ways. Life has offered me many experiences and as a teacher, has also given me the wonderful gift of insight.  I have gotten to "see" into the lives of many students, their struggles, and different ways of thinking about the world.  My empath-ish soul appreciates the gift of learning about what makes us different and what makes people tick.  I have also grown into a much more openminded soul and try not to pass judgement too quickly.  

This has put me at odds at times with some family members, but again, I will say in my world-LOVE wins.  If it's good for someone else and isn't really hurting anyone else, let it be!

In addition, I got my first dose of the COVID vaccine today too...may this pandemic end sooner rather than later.

God Bless and also comforting thoughts to those that see this day with fear or sadness.  I obviously don't feel the same, but I know how you feel as those feelings were very real over the past 4 years for both me and many others in this beautiful country of ours.  

Let there be peace!