
Thursday, September 24, 2009

Time, Where do you Go?

Dear Time,

I think of you as a good friend, but somehow you are always evading me...

I always think that I have so much of you, but then it seems there is never enough of you to go around...

It doesn't seem like so long ago that I was a child & knew that you & I would be together for a long while, but here we are with almost 3 decades spent together & I still feel that way, yet I wonder more than I use to about just how long that while will actually be...

You are a fooler, I think of my "little" man & how he is still so young-then I remember when we first brought him home & we had to swaddle him in blankets to even get him to fit in the infant seat safely...he is not so little anymore & I know that somehow I will be fooled by you into believing that these "days" will last forever, but soon enough he will be a grown man the very age I am now & I will be left to wonder about where these days went...

I've also learned that you have made me wiser. I am much wiser now than I was just a few short years ago & even way more so than I was 1/2 my lifetime ago (when we think we "knew it all"). I cherish the wisdom you have given me & I know that I am way more tolerant than I was back then-I've learned that things are not so black & white & I can't wait to see what other lessons you have in store for me...

You're not a racer, even though there are many times it does feel like you are trying to have me race against you. I know this is not the case, but it is still hard to keep myself from trying to compete against you-I shall try to slow down & just enjoy your friendship...

So, my dear friend time, here's to you-all that you have given me & all that you have left in store for me! May I always appreciate every moment we have together!

Your Friend,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Looooove this post!!!!