
Saturday, October 23, 2010

#15 The Ocean

only entered my life during the last decade-I had never been before then, but it has definitely made a lasting impression!

I love the sound of the waves crashing onto the beach and standing next to those very same waves always brings to mind just how "small" me & my big problems really are in the grand scheme of things.

My least favorite memory...
Scott & I were on vacation & decided to have a picnic lunch. He left the table for some reason & there was a slight breeze as there always is next to the ocean. This slight breeze decided to take a few of my potato chips with it & BOOM...

1,000,000 seagulls...

decided to join our picnic dinner!
Okay, maybe it wasn't quite that many, but, seriously, in 5 seconds flat we were surrounded by a bunch of these annoying birds & they stayed uninvited for the rest of it just hoping for a morsel of something else-the "rats of the ocean" as I now refer to them! Ugh!

My most favorite memory...
Occurred on my honeymoon. Lying on a beach chair. (get your minds out of the gutter now please ;) Listening to the (kinda) far off sounds of a tropical band in the background. With the night sky spread out above me. Just listening to the waves. And feeling the most relaxed I have ever remembered feeling in my life! Awww!

I'm just always left wishing it only took a few hours to get the beach instead of the 12-14 it always does :( I guess that's just part of me appreciating it that much more when I do get there :)

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