In town...
*meant getting to play outside in her really big "yard" (she actually did have a pretty big yard, but I never really understood that some of those areas were actually her neighbors' yards too-there were no fields/fences in between!) & getting to walk through her "yard" to get ice cream from the ice cream restaurant occasionally too
In the country...
*is where my sisters & I walked home from while carrying a shoebox containing our first 2 kittens in it-2 little white kitties named Bugs & Precious
In town...
*had sleepovers with my cousins on Thanksgiving weekends in which we stayed up all night long playing a version of hide-n-seek in the basement among all of her "depression era minded/pack rat tendency" boxes & then decorated for Christmas the next day
In the country...
*was just down the road
In town...
*had the yellow chair where she'd sit to watch "Days of our Lives"
In the country...
*had games to play with grandma & grandpa
In town...
*was where my sister & I were chasing our littler sister around causing her to fall & crack her head open-I remember thinking there was a lot of blood while my grandma & uncle held her at the sink
In the country...
*has always had M&M's on hand every time I have ever visited
In town...
*always had an aunt or uncle living there or staying there due to an out-of-town visit
In the country...
*is where you can visit & almost always expect to have the random aunt/uncle/cousin stopping by while you're there
In town...
*was never exactly the same to visit after my grandma passed away when I was 13, the day before Valentine's
In the country...
*had my grandpa's fishing boat & the bird houses that he would build out in the shed & which have been missed since my grandpa passed away in 1999 a few weeks after his 80th birthday
These houses & the grandmas were both different, but the things that I will always remember are all of the love, the laughter done, as well as the many hugs & kisses that have been given & received through the years from both.