
Monday, April 18, 2011

Good Motivation...

(I intended to type this post last week so please pardon the lateness of it all! It is mostly for my own memories :)

"You need this high five!" (somewhere between miles 8&9)

"That's not's your fat cells crying!" (on a sign around mile 10-11)

"Your feet hurt because you're kicking ass!" (somewhere between miles 8&9)

Watching actual marathoners pass me on Mile 11, knowing that they had already run 24-25 miles!

Not wanting to let my younger sis show me too much anyway ;) (She finished about 6 minutes ahead of me)

Knowing that there were several of us doing the race together & that we'd all cross that finish line...

And then having several other supporters waiting there at the end cheering us on as we finished.

Not wanting all of those weeks of training to have been for NOTHING!

Now I think I am in need of more motivation to keep on's much harder without a goal in sight...I think I'd better be signing up for something else soon! :)

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