
Thursday, February 26, 2015


"That was GREAT!  Confession is the best thing ever!  It was just the best!  I want another turn...can I go to Fr. Mark now?!  It was just soo great!"

Say all of that in one breath while running back and forth at the back of church.  This is what it was like for Luke after his First Reconciliation last night.

As soon as he got done talking to one priest, he was ready to make his second confession with the other :)

We are so proud of him!  He did a nice job last night and was so enthusiastic afterwards.

I mentioned that dad and I would still need to go sometime during Lent, since we were not able to do it last night due to other circumstances.  I also mentioned that he could go with us and do it again when we go if he would like.  "YES!  It is the best thing ever!" :)

Can't believe he's old enough to be receiving these sacraments!

Saturday, February 21, 2015

The Lord Provides For Those That Wait!

What have we been waiting for you ask?


Now I am well aware that some places have been blessed with an overabundance of the wonderful white stuff this winter and that many people are ready to be done with it, but here at the Faith, Hope, & Poop household not so much.

Every reported forecast for us so far this winter has become rain by the time it actually arrived at our house.

Now I do not want to completely mislead you.  We have had one good measurable/play in the snow snowfall. THANKSGIVING DAY!  Not.even.winter.then.

We have waited and waited through many false hopes and this past week we were rewarded with an ENTIRE week of snow days! :)

Our sleds are no longer sad, our snowsuits were happy to be worn, and our boots felt so nice on our feet.

AND it is snowing more as I sit here and type.  Big, beautiful snowflakes.

Yes, the kids probably should have been in school learning or whatever it is they do at school ;)

Yes, I should probably have been working or whatever it is I do at school :)

BUT...we have had a great week together and there is no better excitement than getting the call each day saying that you have another free day at home!

Yes, we will be going longer into May than we might have, but on the plus side....daily lunch recess duty is so much warmer in May than February! ;)

P.S.  This post is (hopefully) brought to you in a coherent fashion despite Don's attempts at helping me type it.

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Things People Say (or not!)

The social media world is full of fun little sayings/themes like "Throwback Thursday"or "Fun Day Sunday", but around this house we are blessed with a husband/dad who makes up his own!

"Blue Jeans Wednesday" for example has arisen because (I think) that he is slightly perturbed by the lack of blue jeans wearing by our children.  He has taken over the laundry and when girls only want to wear dresses and the big boy only wants to wear jogging pants aka "comfy pants" then the laundry guy feels the need to encourage the children to wear those nice clean blue jeans.  In my humble opinion, the fight is not worth it, but to each his own :)

"No Carry Thursdays" is another one of his popular days.  This is in regard to the third and smallest child in this house.  He is in charge of getting her to daycare most days and continues to carry her inside, mostly because she has stayed quite petite compared to any of the other children (even her younger brother!)  This one mostly occurs between she and her father because this mother stopped carrying her a looong time ago! :)

Another phrase that gets thrown around quite often is "Fine! You are not my best friend!"  This one is all big sis!  When she has been wronged, you can guarantee that you will be on the receiving end of this insult.  No worries, though, once she has forgiven you then you will once again here "Ok. You can be my best friend!" :)

I can fairly guarantee that none of these will catch on in the world outside of this house, but if you hear otherwise feel free to let us know! ;)