
Sunday, April 25, 2010

Supermarket Singing Star?

Over the past several months, we have been doing most of our grocery shopping together as a family. For the most part, it works out okay-it allows us to split up so that we can find things a bit quicker & it allows us each to take our time if we need to for some reason. When this happens & I am the one with Luke in the cart & Scott gets out of eyeshot, then every once in a while Luke starts singing...

First you need a little back story, for quite a long time now (at least a year), Luke & I have had a little game that we play every so often. Basically, he hides under the island in the kitchen & I walk around pretending that I don't know where he is while singing...

"Where, oh where, could my little Lukey be? Oh, where, oh where can he be? With his hair so short & his eyes so brown. Oh, where, oh where can he be?"
(to the tune of "Where, oh where, has my little dog gone?" just in case you didn't realize it :)

Yes, just like with words-I like to make up my own words to songs too ;)

Anyway, back to the grocery store, Scott is out of eyesight, & Luke starts singing...

"Where, oh where, has my daddy gone? Oh, where, oh where can he be? With his hair so short & his tail so long. Oh, where, oh where can he be?"

Scott does not, in fact, have a tail, but Luke's version of this song sure does bring out a few chuckles from me & the store employees :)


Carrie27 said...

We make up songs to! LOL! "Where is so and so, where is so and so? Where did he/she go? I don't know."

My grocery shopping is my only time really away from the kids (mind you I go during nap/bedtime).

Anonymous said...

haha - Love that story!

ICLW #119

Anonymous said...

that's so adorable! i sing songs like that to my dogs..i think i annoy them, but i can't wait to have a baby that sings back!

happy iclw!

Terry Elisabeth said...

Cute ! :)