
Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Dull, Dull, Dull!

Sorry folks...September has been rather dull around the ole blog!

I am not looking forward to end of my most favorite month of the year this weekend :(  But it does mean the beginning of my 2nd most favorite month of the year! :)  I just love the fall season and all that it brings, but I am not going to bore you all with that...I'm going to guess that you have a good idea of what fall is like and if not just let me know and I will attempt to turn that into a post ;)

Anyway, I really do feel like this blog is a reflection of me and I can't help feeling that my life has been fairly "dull" as of late, which means a lack of "material" unless you all would prefer that I just keep writing about the same things over and over again.  Now that really would be dull wouldn't it!? hehe

I do have an "anniversary" coming up early next week that I am planning a post for...any guesses about the topic???

I have been tossing around an idea for another "series" type of post(s) that I may begin, but it would be fairly introspective and I'm still speculating ;)

There are 1 or 2 more posts that I have been thinking about writing throughout most of September and maybe I will eventually get to them.

AND...there are probably a handful more of these "foreshadowing"ish style posts in my future with the ways (or lack of I should mention) I have been posting this year! :)

I also really need to update my page total numbers (& the list of books for another future post) over there on the sidebar before I completely lose track of everything that I have read.  And so that I can end the whole blog "slacker" thing that I've had going on this year.

Until then, I'll keep you "posted"...well, maybe! ;)

Monday, September 19, 2011


Happy Birthday today to me! :)

31 lacks the glory of is just "another" birthday.  But I have enjoyed it.

It was just another regular day & that is really all I wanted this year...maybe because it fell on a Monday this year so I didn't really expect much from it.

I got to enjoy the day with students (many of whom just had to tell me "Happy Birthday!" every.single.time they saw me throughout the day. :)  I even had former students who were eager to wish me happy really does make one feel special. 

The 2nd grade classroom I work in helped me celebrate with cookies :)

My parents swung out our way yesterday for a nice afternoon. :)

I received a phone call from some of my favorite people in the world, my goddaughter/niece Melissa and her sisters (with my sister helping in the background.)  :)

My in-laws swung by this evening for a little bit. :)

The only downside to the day was a very long afternoon spent with one very tired 4 year old who did not get his nap today due to renovations going on at the sitter's house. :(  It made for an afternoon/evening of "ignoring" what his mother was saying &/or doing the exact opposite!  Happy Birthday to Mom.

Oh well, at the very least, he is still one of the most precious "gifts" I could ever have received and he did have a good day for everyone else (preschool & sitter!) ;)  What more could a mom ask for, right?

And, as for Scott, well he did cook supper, offered to do Luke's bedtime, and even sat through watching the silly soap opera that I DVR'd today...without complaining! :)

It was a GOOD DAY!  Even if it was just a plain ole regular day! ;)

Sunday, September 18, 2011

What Have I Been Doing? (By the bullets :)

*I've been training for another 1/2 marathon at the end of October (which I have yet to officially sign up for...probably will sometime this week.)  Thus far, the training has been different in several ways much to my surprise & I will try to post more about it in a future post.

*Luke has been adjusting to preschool and seems to like it.  Now if he could just stay awake on the bus ;) This has happened on several occasions & results in no nap at the sitter's and a cranky evening by the time we get home.  It hasn't helped that these same days have tended to be the days he gets up at 4:30 thus he falls asleep on the bus...(seriously, I'm thinking maybe he should be a dairy farmer someday!)

*I learn more about myself with each passing day & have been trying to figure out how this might translate into blog posts or a series of blog posts in the future.

*Yesterday, I was thinking "I've still got it!" after running 7 miles first thing in the morning and then helping with 4 hours of a volleyball open gym.  A half hour of which I particpated in a full out scrimmage.  I hadn't done that for years & it was so much fun.  Plus, I kept thinking...I've already ran 7 miles today & now I'm playing volleyball (& pretty well at that ;)  I was joking that it was my "8th" mile for the day (interestingly enough I did burn about the same amount of calories as I would have running that mile...)  I felt so good by the time I was heading home.  Then I got home & got SO TIRED!  In fact, I'm still tired today and just a little sore, but I did get out there for 3 more miles this evening so we'll see what I feel like in the morning...maybe I am getting older after all :)

*Finally, my apologies to my dad for "wasting" his time.  The poor guy was asking me about this blog & why I haven't been posting...he stated that I've been "wasting people's time when they check it and there is nothing new to read" (& yes, I told him that it was quite possible that he would be quoted here) MY APOLOGIES :)

For those of you checking in, I hope you enjoyed seeing something new! ;)

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Lesson Learned!

For just about the better part of/slightly more than/maybe slightly less than/not exactly sure, but I do know it was sometime before school started/you get the point :)/just about a month now, I have been religiously getting up about anywhere from 5 to 5:30 a.m. every single day (including weekends) to exercise.  I started a new training/running schedule and the mornings were the only time that I knew that I could consistently find the time to run while leaving the rest of our days' schedules fairly intact.  So, I have been making the sacrifice to go to bed religiously between 9-9:30 each night too so that I am able to function on this schedule ;)  There are still several kinks that I am working out (finding the best times to complete chores, trying to cope with a big lack of "down" time on my part since I am basically going to bed within 1/2 an hour of when Luke has finally called it a night most evenings, and still getting adjusted to my family's new routines as a whole with school having started.
Well, this morning, it was just a bit chilly in our bedroom (sleeping with the windows open does that!) and the warm blankets just felt soo good.  I hit the snooze once...then I talked myself into just staying in bed since I knew it would take me about an hour to run the 5 miles that I was due to run and I'd be "late" getting back at that point...and I could always run that 5 miles after Scott got home in the evening...and that's how I talked myself into staying put!
Lesson NOT learned quite yet...
I stayed put and enjoyed sleeping in until 6 a.m. when I was joined by Luke.  Then I enjoyed snuggling with him for about 10-15 minutes!  And then it was time to get ready for the day and nothing "felt" right...I continued to be "off" as I got ready for school...and ALL DAY LONG while at school (we have been testing this week and NOTHING went smoothly today)...and then I was still "off" while we waited at the doctor's office for almost 2 1/2 hours just for Luke's physical...and then Luke and I finally made it home almost 12 hours after we had left this morning, but...
it was cloudy, cold and looking like it might rain....should I run or wait until tomorrow?
I dragged my butt out the door and ran those 5 miles (the fastest that I have ever run them, I think) and felt, afterwards, like what I had "wished" I would have felt ALL DAY LONG!
I will drag my butt out of bed tomorrow morning even if it is only to do 1 or 2-10 minute videos and even if I am getting to bed "late" tonight, especially if it means avoiding another day of feeling like I did today! :)