
Sunday, December 14, 2008

"You Light Up My Life" Sunday 12/14/08 edition

This person is someone whom I have known her whole life~I have a few vague memories of when she was born.
She is no longer a pesky little kid who I have to look after, but...
has become a very good friend as we have gotten older.
I have found that her & I actually have a lot more in common than I ever thought we did growing up.
I cannot imagine my life without her in it & dread the day that either one of us has to face that possibility.
This person is quite generous & loving.
She is a wonderful aunt to all of her nieces & nephews.
She can be a little "dense" at times, but most of the time is very good natured about it, but...
I also learned a long time ago that you don't want to mess with her temper, if you do get her fired up! :) [it takes A LOT to get her worked up though]
She is one of the best sisters that I could ever have (along with my other sister too of course!)

So Beth~here's to you, I love ya & Happy 25th Birthday (yesterday)!

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