
Monday, January 5, 2009

Back to the Grindstone

School starts back up today & boy am I glad! Don't get me wrong, it has been great being able to be home with Scott & Luke the last 2 weeks, but I hate not having a normal routine. The same thing happens over summer break too. I love the 'free time' & not having lots of added responsibilities outside of caring for my family & home, but I tend to let myself go by the wayside.

*These breaks are when I tend to start getting more out of shape (lack of schedule means I can always fit exercise in "later", but later never comes.)
*I tend to pack on the pounds in over these breaks too because I don't follow a 'normal' eating schedule & I'm usually at home where I have access to "goodies" at any time of the day.
*I start to fell 'blah' mentally without the challenge of constantly planning & teaching lessons all day long.
*My house usually becomes MORE disorganized during these times (see the above explanation about exercise except insert the word cleaning for exercise!)

So, needless to say, I'm ready to get back into the swing of things even if it does feel a little too 'routine' sometimes~I am definitely a better wife & mother & friend to myself for getting up & going to work each day (& boy, I never thought I would be the one saying that, so much for all of my talk a few years back of being a SAHM after I had kids!) :)

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