
Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Inaugurational Day Thoughts was inauguration day & here are some thoughts that I have had over the past few days...

*"historical" is a word that I am quite tired of hearing, especially in regards to this particular inauguration. I agree that yes it is quite an 'historical' event to finally have an African American as president after the treatment the ancestors of African Americans, in general, have received in this country over the past several centuries. It is a very good day in that regard & very 'historical', but my argument would have to be this-isn't every inauguration 'historical' in one way or another, either it's a new president, maybe a new political party in power, maybe a new 2nd termer, etc-so I just kinda feel that the term 'historical' has been waaaay overused by the media this past week/weekend & I'm a little tired of hearing it. :)

*I am proud of our country, even though things are not super great right now...we are still able to have a very smooth transition between the old & new presidents, much of which I give HUGE kudos to George W. Bush for making it an easier transition by being so welcoming to the new prez, which leads me to this...

*I hope that history will be kinder to George W. Bush in the future (not everything he did was bad, evil, terrible, [insert your own negative adjective here]) & hopefully history will be much kinder than the media has been to him over the past several years

*I do not agree with Obama on some of my important issues, but I do wish him well (although I do have a bro-in-law & a sis-in-law who may not believe me, since they believe me to be only republican minded :) which is not the case) & hope that he can bring good changes to our country/government. I hope that he can inspire all of us to pick ourselves up to bring about the changes we may need in our own lives & not wait for the government to do it for us!

*Speaking of "Change we can believe in"....

Here are some things that I know this new president will not change...

*My dad will still think that anything Obama does is wrong. Not because he is black, my dad could care less what skin color he has, but because he is a Democrat & there isn't much any democrat can do right in his eyes! (& believe me, he WILL be telling us all about it for at least the next 4 years!)[insert sarcasm now] My mom may be sending out thank yous very soon to all of you who didn't vote for McCain-thanks a lot! hehe :)

*My ordinary life is not really going to change that much based on who the president is. I will still have to go to work each day, love my children & husband, & continue to try to make the best life for my family. I just hope that any changes made will not be a detriment to these things.

*I will continue to hope & pray that our country can do only good things in the world & for the world & that we can all live in peace & harmony.

I felt proud to watch the new president be sworn into office (as I always am) & glad to see a person of color in the highest office (whether I agree with him or not) because it does bring hope to so many people, children especially, who may have thought that they would always be held back from reaching such a lofty goal. Someday I could be raising a child of color as my own (we're open to anything when it comes to adopting a child) & I do have several cousins who are part African-American, Hispanic, multiracial, etc so for their sakes, I am sooo glad that they finally have someone that they can look to in that role & say "Hey, maybe I could be President someday!"

Happy Inauguration Day!


In Due Time said...

Yesterday was a good day. My Grandma and Mom are both Republicans, so I had to tease them a little bit "Oh look! Say bye, bye to your guy!" LOL They took it in stride though.

Mrs.Joyner said...

Thank you SO much for this post. I've been afraid to write about how I feel about Obama and the inauguration. I was pretty much crucified at work for voicing my opinion. Maybe now I'll have the courage to do so. And thank you also for the comment on my blog! I've read you before, I guess I must now delurk:)

Nicole said...

Thanks for sharing your thoughts...we need to tone down the rah-rah-rah and just get to work.
